h 13

  • Sectia medicina interna - 50 paturi, din care
    compartiment cardiologie - 20 paturi
  • Sectia medicina interna cronici - 30 paturi
  • Sectia pediatrie - 20 paturi
  • Sectia obstetrica ginecologie - 35 paturi
  • Compartiment neonatologie - 12 paturi
  • Sectia chirurgie generala - 40 paturi din care
    compatiment ortopedie si traumatologie - 5 paturi
  • Sectia boli infectioase - 25 paturi
  • Sectia neurologie - 25 paturi
  • Sectia A.T.I. - 15 paturi
  • Compartiment psihiatrie - 18 paturi
  • Compartiment dermatovenerologie - 5 paturi
  • Compartiment pneumologie - 10 paturi 
  • CPU
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